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Mission (Copy)


What does it look like to share the gospel and love our neighbors as ourselves during this pandemic? Here are some suggestions:


Social distancing is a missional act.

Young adults can be carriers of the virus without showing symptoms. Limiting in-person interactions and group gatherings is hard, but it is a sacrifice that will keep other people safe!

Give blood!

Hospitals are especially in need currently.

Consider the vulnerable in your community.

Do you have neighbors who are elderly or are otherwise at high risk? Ask what they need--you could run errands, walk their dogs, etc. so they don’t have to go out as much.

Offer to pray for people.

Even if you don’t know whether they’re Christian.

Video call your friend groups/people who might be lonely.

You can apply the same tips from “Sharing Life” above to bless people outside of CCF!

Check in with local volunteer organizations.

Food banks and more are working to serve the needy in your community while maintaining healthy practices and social distancing. Find out how you can help without endangering others.


Say thank you.

Thank you never goes without saying. Thank medical professionals, garbage collectors, grocery clerks, and everyone else who is continuing to work to keep things running. Send letters to WWU leadership thanking them for making tough calls and keeping our university safe.