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D Class Audio 2019

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To sign up for the Thursday's class text alerts:

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Audio and Class Notes


January 15 & 16 | The Gospel According to Jesus


Old Testament Comic

Old Testament Comic Completed 1

Old Testament Comic Completed 2

January 22 & 23 | What is “The Kingdom Of God”?

January 29 & 30 | “Repent & Believe” Part 1: Repent

February 5 & 6 | Repent & Believe Part 2: Believe

February 12 & 13 | “Come Follow Me, Personally”

February 19 & 20 | The Death & Resurrection of Jesus

March 5 & 6 | The Great Commission Part 1: Purposeful

March 12 & 13 | The Great Commission Part 2: Relational, Repeatable

April 9, 2018 | Who is the Holy Spirit?

April 16 & 17 | Life in the Spirit

April 23 & 24 | All Nations

May 7 & 8 | The First Community of Faith

May 21 & 22 | Spiritual Friendship Part 1

May 28 & 29 | Spiritual Friendship Part 2

June 4 & 5 | Eschatology