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Discipleship Class

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Discipleship Class- Spring Quarter!

You take all sorts of classes at Western to invest in your future - why wouldn't you also take a class to invest in your faith? Discipleship Class is a mix of lecture, interaction with CCF Staff, discussions, reading, and out of class assignments - all designed to deepen our understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We hope you can join us!

When: Every Wednesday from 4pm - 5:20pm

Start Date: April 15

Where: Zoom



Dclass Listening Guides & Videos


Week 1 // April 15



Week 2 // April 22

Spiritual Friendship


Week 3 // April 29



Week 4 // May 6

THE WAY Jesus Made Disciples


Week 5 // May 13

The First Community


Week 6 // May 27

Disciples of All Nations


Week 7 // June 3

Abiding in Jesus -

Part 1


Week 8 // June 10

Abiding in Jesus -

Part 2


Catch up on any winter quarter classes you here!


Week 1: The Gospel of Jesus

Week 2: The Kingdom of God

The original recording for this week was compromised, so we’ve included a version of the topic from several years ago.

Week 3: Repentance

Week 4: Believe

Week 5: Follow

Week 6: Easter

Week 7: Holy Spirit

Week 8: Spirit Filled