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Senior Letters

CCF Senior Letters


Each year we offer the seniors in our community to write a letter sharing the adventures, the struggles, the good times, the bad times, and bits of wisdom they’ve gleaned during their time as a student at Western and part of our community

We hope that their reflection on their time with us will bless and encourage you!


“Dragged out of a lonely world that lacked a living hope, consumed by my own desires, I found life in Jesus through His Word and in some of his most joyful followers. If you hear this from me, you are the answer to years’ worth of prayer.”

— Nathanael Thompson

“God will use you to bless this community.”

— Alex Johnson

“Delight and savor in this season of life in community. Be intentional with your yeses and trust and lean into the Holy Spirit to guide you through any and every situation.”

— Johana Martinez

“Now that I'm graduating and moving on to the next thing, I'm so happy and thankful that God is in charge, and I am not.”

— Danielle Elliott

“Thankfully, God does not leave us where He met us. He wants to transform our hearts into vessels for good so we can testify of the goodness of God. Every single one of you has a story to tell of how powerful God is.”

— Loren Silva

“My college career can be summed up concisely with the wise words of Michael Scott, ‘And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.’”

— Bennett Knebel

“You have the power to change lives, not just here on Earth, but for eternity by being bold and listening to the Holy Spirit”

— Nathan McFeters

“I didn’t see the potential in myself, but others did.”

— Alexis Mackenstadt

“It’s actually the most entertaining, soothing, yet simultaneously stressful thing ever to fully trust God. I’m constantly surprised by the things He gives me strength to do because my hands are open to Him. I pray that never changes.”

— Bella Galbiati

“I love this version of myself, so thank you for shaping me, CCF family.”

— Connor Garrod

2024 Senior Letters


From Heidi

From Loren

From Nathan

From Nathanael


From Taylor


2023 Senior Letters


From Bella

From Connor

From Gwen

From Karen


From Megan

From Nate

From Tallulah


2022 Senior Letters


From Alex

From Alexis

From Amy

From Ben


From Danielle

From Jeesang

From Katie

From Taylor


From Tori

From Wesley


2021 Senior Letters

From Alena

From Alena

From Alex

From Alex

From Bennett

From Bennett

From Brittany

From Brittany

From Eric

From Eric

From Hannah

From Hannah

From Johana

From Johana

From Katie

From Katie

From Tore

From Tore

From Wilson

From Wilson


2020 Senior Letters


From Becka

From Emma

From Jonathan

From Kyle

From Kyle


From Michael

From Ruth

From Ruth


2019 Senior Letters

From Ashley

From Ashley

From Babik

From Babik

From Cameron

From Cameron

From Cassie

From Cassie

From David

From David

From Emily

From Emily

From Greta

From Greta

From Hannah

From Hannah

From John Paul

From John Paul

From Julia

From Julia

From Lauren

From Lauren

From MacKenzie

From MacKenzie

From Sammie

From Sammie

From Tyler

From Tyler