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SICM 2021

Welcome to SICM 2021!



If you are looking at this page, that means your campus ministry group is hoping to utilize these digital SICM resources to help train up disciple makers on your college campus!  We could not be more excited to partner with you to that end!

One of the things Jesus was really great at, was preparing the next generation of disciples. 

Our hope for your community, as you engage with these materials, is that students would have real encounters with Jesus. They would be open to his shaping and maturing work in their lives. They would feel scripture come alive to them in new and deeper ways and feel equipped to study the Bible on their own.  And that they would continue forward with Jesus - equipped and eager to be disciples, who make disciples, that make disciples.

On this page you will find:

  • Payment Information

  • Small Group Leader Podcast

  • SICM Session Recordings, Listening, Facilitator, Worship, and Evangelism Guides

These digital resources are designed for you to use locally with a hybrid mixture of recorded teachings and locally facilitated ministry experiences, discussions and labs. This can be in a gathering over the course of a couple of days or remotely and digitally over the course of the summer.  You can interact with them in whatever way is most helpful for your community.

I would recommend using the Small Group and Evangelism series in their entirety. I would also recommend previewing the videos before watching them with your community.  Many of them have recommended pauses throughout for discussion, times to process, or watch a separate video.  Knowing when those are and what they are about will help you plan for the time.

Throughout the material you will also find 4 types of guides - listening, facilitator, worship, and evangelism.  Below is a brief explanation of each.

Listening Guides:
These are outlines for note taking during the videos and discussions.  

Facilitator guides:
A couple of the sessions are shorter and include an interactive element. The facilitator guides are designed to help a campus pastor look over the material and then facilitate an activity or discussion themselves.

Worship guides:
We encourage beginning your time together in worship and praise of God. To help with that, we’ve compiled outlines and activities from some of our favorite times of worship together during SICM. These can be easily modified to suit your ministry’s ability and needs. We have also included a worship night guide that’s geared towards prayer for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  If this is helpful to you, please use it!

Evangelism guides:
A big part of our conference is spending a day going out to do evangelism. For many students, this is one of the first times they have intentionally tried to share Jesus with others! We know each campus has a unique situation with what is and is not allowed on their campus this year, so we’ve included a guide for how to facilitate on-campus evangelism if that is possible for you, along with a couple of ideas if on-campus evangelism is not possible.

We are praying for your communities, that God would continue to raise up disciple makers and leaders. That students would leave your times together feeling more empowered and equipped to participate in the Great Commission. I look forward to celebrating with you all the ways God will work in and through this time and your communities in the days, weeks and months to come.


Kristin Harris
NW SICM Director

Questions about the material? —
Contact Kristin:

Issues with the website or links? —
Contact Tiara:


We hope this material is a blessing to you and your ministry, and we look forward to returning next year!


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Payment is expected upon time of use. Pastors are free and we are asking for $20 per student. Payment can be made in one lump sum by each campus.


Include the number of students participating and the campuses represented in the memo line!


Checks should be made out to University Christian Ministries and mailed to:

1400 Larrabee Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225

Write SICM 2021 in the memo line along with the number of students participating and the campuses represented!


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6 Wins of a Small Group Leader

S1 E1-6

This is an excellent resource from our national XA office! Watch the intro video to learn more about this podcast series and consider listening with your students over the course of the summer.


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Daily Worship





The Way of Jesus

Geoff Mumley

Part 1

It is no surprise that our relationships influence us more than anything else in life. So is it any wonder that the way Jesus made disciples was primarily relational?

Part 2

It's also true that making disciples simply doesn't happen by accident, especially if we're supposed to teach others how to do it! So is it any surprise that Jesus was so purposeful, and that everything He did was so repeatable?


Inner Life

Anastasia Ulinski

This session talks about the importance of cultivating our inner life and how this is the first step to leading in a way that brings life to others. We will spend time sitting in Psalm 1 together.


4 Seasons of Discipleship

Geoff Mumley

Jesus related with His disciples through four different "seasons" of His relationship with them - getting to know them better and giving them more responsibility, until they were ready to take over for Him. If that's how He did it, don't you think we should, too?


Making Disciples of All Nations

Jonathan Lytle

Obeying every word of the Great Commission by going, giving, praying, and welcoming.

Video Links
Lost vs Unreached
Expeditions: Every Student Prays


Spiritual Friendship

Cameron Harris

A discussion on what spiritual friendship is, why it is important, and the process of how we build it.


Kingdom Diversity

Cameron Harris

What does it look like for our community to welcome every sub-culture around us so that our community looks like the Kingdom of God right where we are?


The What and Why of Evangelism

David Knebel

This session covers the 2 foundational questions—What is Evangelism and Why should we do it?


Telling The Whole Story

Rachel Dailey

This session covers the importance of understanding and communicating the whole gospel when we share our faith.



David Knebel

Evangelism as Presence covers the importance of building real, authentic relationships with non-believers, looks at the barriers we have to overcome in order to be present, and suggests practical ways to build relational bridges with those around us.



James Junior

As a part of a campus ministry it is so essential that we become comfortable and confident sharing our faith. The goal of this session is to equip us to help others on our campus encounter Jesus as we share our faith on campus.


Power for Witness

Kristin Harris

A biblical basis for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Small Groups


Intro to Small Groups

Kristen Allshouse

In this session we are going to zoom in on one of the most pivotal aspects of what it means to make disciples - both in Jesus’ day, and in ours: Small Groups. We look at Jesus's first small group and that of the early church in Acts as examples for how to build ours!


Your 1st Core

Anastasia Ulinski

This session is all about the practical steps for planning your very first Core of the year! What do you want people to leave your first Core knowing, experiencing, and feeling? What kind of atmosphere should you be setting? This session will help you answer these questions!


Asking Good Questions

Rachel Dailey

How to write questions that help your small group members discover for themselves the spirit and meaning of a Biblical text and apply it well.


Soul Food

Jonathan Lytle

Learn how to read and understand the Bible by asking the right questions! This session is paired with a hands-on lab where you study the book of Philemon.