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SICM Teachers


Kristin (SICM Director) & Cameron Harris,

Kristin graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Sociology and a Nonprofit Leadership Alliance certification. Kristin is the SICM Director and she came to SICM as a student from UNT! SICM had a huge impact or her life and ministry and she is passionate about helping students have a similar transformational experience. You can always make her smile with a coffee and Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate PB Cups.

Cameron is known in these parts as a gardener and tea connoisseur. His passion for gardening spills over into his teaching, as you might experience during your week at SICM. He also passionate about students of color being intentionally welcomed and discipled in the campus ministry context and that has had a huge influence on his ministry here in Bellingham.


Stevie Cairns

Stevie did his undergrad at Western in Communications and a minor in Spanish, did the internship in 2019, then joined the CCF team full time in 2020. Stevie is probably one of the most memorable personalities you will ever meet and is passionate in reaching students for Jesus. Fun fact: Stevie grew up in Seattle next to Jonathan’s family!


Rachel Dailey

Rachel completed the XA internship at Western in 2016 with a focus on worship. She went into church ministry for three years, but, thankfully, the inevitable happened, and she returned to campus ministry, bringing her music skills and deep seated nerdiness to the Western team. Musicals, mystery novels, and Marvel movies are all on her current list of happy things, but she is always open to discovering something new!


David Knebel

David Knebel, the Internship Director, was a dynamic student leader in our Chi Alpha at WWU before graduating with a degree in Education. For the past 30 years David has served as a Chi Alpha campus evangelist and pastoral mentor for our student leaders and internship program. He is passionate about Jesus and loves to encourage others to make Jesus known, and has a wealth of experience that the rest of the team is constantly blessed by.


Jonathan Lytle

Jonathan has focused on ministry to international students for over 15 years. He has met international students from 86 countries… and counting! For Jonathan and his wife, Liz, their favorite activity is telling an international student about Jesus for the very first time, preferably if that also involves a delicious meal (which it often does!). Fun fact: Jonathan was Stevie’s next door neighbor in Seattle.

Johana Martinez

Johana grew up in Seattle and graduated from WWU with a major in Human Services and minor in Education & Social Justice. After doing the internship at WWU, she joined the team in 2022. She is passionate about God’s heart for reconciling every nation back to His heart through Jesus. She loves cross-cultural missions and hospitality, and has focused on ministry to ethnic minority students since she joined our team. Adventuring with friends, tea + coffee, water coloring, and cooking are some of Jo’s favorite things!


Geoff Mumley

Geoff is the director of our Chi Alpha ministry here in Bellingham. He came to us all of the way from Africa.  He grew up in Kenya and came to WWU for college.  He quickly got involved in CCF and has never left.  He’s worked in the community college and university context, and knows what it means to work with a team through many different seasons, staff and family dynamics, and relationship with the college administration. He’s married to Jess and their house is fun and full with 3 kids, Owen, Jack, and Maya.

Jeff Jenkins

Jeff is best known on our team for his love of being outside, especially when it’s sunny! He is also excellent at reaching international students and helping them get to know Jesus. Jeff and his wife Emily spent a few years working in Nepal before joining our team in Bellingham. If you want to hang with Jeff during SICM, just invite him for a sunny walk to get a coffee.