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Taco Theology - Spring 2022

Taco Theology

Learn about how to read the Bible and also eat tacos!!

What will it look like?

Before Dinner: Love & Thunder: How To Read The Prophets

Have you ever found reading the Old Testament Prophets confusing? Or challenging? Or beautiful? Or glorious? Or ALL of those? Come learn HOW to hear from God in these incredible texts.

After Dinner: What Survivor Teaches Us About How To Read The Gospels

The gospels give us the fullest picture of the life and teachings of Jesus - so don't you think we should understand how to read them? What kind of literature are they? How do they expect to be read? And why does "who" wrote them and "how" they were written matter so much? Come find out!

When: Monday May 16th, 4:30-8pm

Where: Hillcrest Church (1400 Larrabee Ave)

Cost: $7 if you pre-register, $10 at the door!

Dinner will be provided.

Register Below!

Register by filling out the form below.  After you submit the form you will be automatically be redirected to our payment page.  Your registration will be complete once you submit your payment, or you can choose to pay later.


See you there! 


Register here for Taco Theology!