Winter Discipleship Class
Discipleship Class- Second Quarter!
You take all sorts of classes at Western to invest in your future - why wouldn't you also take a class to invest in your faith? Discipleship Class is a mix of lecture, interaction with CCF Staff, discussions, reading, and out of class assignments - all designed to deepen our understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We hope you can join us!
Tuesday D-Class
When: Every Tuesday from 4pm - 5:45pm
Start Date: March 31
Where: Academic West 204 (except April 14, which is in AW 210)
Wednesday D-Class
When: Every Wednesday from 4pm - 5:45pm
Start Date: April 1
Where: Academic West 204
Please Register for Discipleship class by completing the form below.
Cost: $25 per quarter
Registration payments can be reimbursed up to 3 weeks after class starts, in case your circumstances change and you are no longer to attend D Class this year. Once you submit your registration form, you can click the link to pay. Thanks!