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Workdays- Students

Workdays (2).png


Thank you for your interest in participating in workdays! 

To register, please fill out the form below. 

Here are a few details to keep in mind:

We will let you know the details of where you will be working, what you will be doing, etc. the Monday before the Workday you signed up for.

Workdays are April 27th and May 4th. You can expect to be working between 9am and 4pm.  

If you need to make a change to your registration, please do so at least a week before your scheduled workday. You can email your change to Once you receive the details of your workday (the Monday before), your workday hosts will be expecting you. Please, follow through on your commitment (don't flake out!), show up on time, and work hard! 

Thank you for generously giving your time and energy to serving our community!

You da best.