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The Mansion.jpg

CCF Ministry Houses

The Home and Mansion


The Home and The Mansion have been integral in CCF's history of life on life discipleship, and we want to make it a permanent fixture in our ministry.

And right now we have a unique opportunity to actually purchase The Mansion! Owning this house would ensure that our vision of discipleship in community houses will continue for the next season of ministry.

Would you help us purchase and renovate the Mansion? A few generous donors have pledged $56,000 in matching funds which means that if you give toward the purchase of the Mansion your gift will essentially be doubled. We are hoping to raise at least $56,000 up to the full amount of matching gifts and beyond.

To donate online simply click the button below. If you have any questions about the total price of The Mansion, the needed renovations, or anything else, please feel free to email


To donate via Check, make checks out to Bellingham Chi Alpha and mail to:

1400 Larrabee Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225
Be sure to put CCF Ministry Houses in the memo.


Bellingham Chi Alpha is a registered 501c3 non profit under Hillcrest Chapel. Tax ID number is 91-6050229. All contributions made to BXA/CCF are tax deductible. Per IRS regulations, BXA has complete discretion and control over the use of donated funds.