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CCF 50 Year Celebration (Copy)

 CCF 50 Year Celebration Weekend!

CCF at Western is turning 50 this year and we want you to join us for the celebration! We’ll have more details as the date get’s closer, but if you want to be sure to not miss any updates, click the button below to subscribe to our email list!


We need your help to make the celebration even better!

We’d love to have a huge collection of photos from the last 50 years. If you have any photos of your time in CCF, please share them with us!




Friday, April 8
7:00-9:00pm Friday Night Fellowship (Location update: on campus at WWU - PAC Mainstage) - Come and worship God with our current CCF students!

**Masks will be required as per university guidelines, vaccination not required**

Free parking can be found in lots C and 12A after 4:30, or along Garden Street.
Accessible parking in lot 6V and behind Haggard Hall
Paid parking closer to the PAC is available in lot 6V, 7G, 9G, 17G, and 19G. Each G lot costs $2.25 for the evening.
**See the highlighted portions of the map

Parking App
WWU uses Park Mobile for all their paid parking locations. Downloading and using the app is much faster than using the pay stations. Download the app for Apple or Android.

Check-in will start at 5:30pm at the main entrance to the PAC and the doors will open at 6:30. Arrive early and take some time to explore the campus!
The tulip festival in the Mount Vernon area has begun, so traffic may be more congested than usual.

Saturday, April 9
9:00-10:30am Home/Mansion Open Houses - If you lived in our community houses, have any special memories there, or are just curious about what it’s like, come visit! (Mansion - 1200 High St, Home - 1210 High St)

10:30-12:30 Decades Open Houses - Each decade of alumni will be gathering to catch up with old friends! Here are the hosts and the locations:

  • 70s:  Bobbinks/Sherwoods @ Hillcrest Church in the Fireside Cafe

  • 80s:  The Sims @ their place (3100 Edgewood Lane, Bham 98226)

  • 90s:  The Scellicks @ their place (940 Kelly Rd. Bham 98226)

  • 00s:  The Rupps @ their place (1392 McLeod Rd Bham 98226)

  • 10s:  The Benders @ Fairhaven Park/Pavilion - 107 Chuckanut Dr N

3:00-5:00 50 Year Celebration - This is where we can all gather to celebrate, remember what God has done, and hear about the future vision for CCF. (Location update: Hillcrest Church 1400 Larrabee Ave.)

Sunday, April 10
If you’re sticking around on Sunday, Hillcrest would love to welcome as many alumni and friends of CCF as possible. There are services at 9:00 and 11:00 at 1400 Larrabee Ave.



We will be following all state and local guidelines at the time of the event, as well on WWU’s guidelines for the on-campus events. On Western’s campus, masks are still required until April 11th. For the other off-campus events masks are optional.



Childcare will be available Saturday afternoon 2:30-6:00pm at Hillcrest Church for those attending the celebration. To register for child care, use the registration form above and register by Tuesday 4/5.



Hey CCF students!

Are you interested in volunteering to help with the celebration? Fill out this form to let us know!