Bible Study
Anyone want to hear from God during a pandemic? Yeah, me too. Here are some great ways to connect with Him through His Word during this social distancing season:
Set a schedule!
Routine is even more important when we have lots of flexible time on our hands. We will be more likely to actually read God’s Word if we schedule ourselves a consistent time to do it.
Set a goal.
Rather than letting the Bible randomly flop open to a passage each day, it’s good to have a plan. If you don’t have a goal you’re currently aiming for (like, our CCF New Testament Challenge, for example), select from the options listed below.
Engage God’s Word.
Here are some creative ways to engage God’s Word:
Lectio Divina - here’s a tutorial for this ancient practice of praying through Scripture:
A chapter a day - sometimes connecting with God is as simple as picking a book of the Bible and reading one chapter each day. Psalms and Proverbs work really well for this, because each chapter can stand on its own.
Inductive Bible Study method - this is a way to study an entire book of the Bible over several weeks. Click here for how to do that.
Watch a Bible Project video about a book of the Bible. These videos are not the Bible, but they sure are a helpful companion to what you’re reading, or they might spark your interest in something you’d like to read! They are excellent.
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Following Jesus was never meant to be done alone. That feels even more important with social distancing these days! So as we keep in touch with our friends in CCF, what if along with asking “How are you?” we also asked, “What are you reading in Scripture these days?”