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Sharing Life


Sharing life means engaging in quality interpersonal relationships where we can share honestly about what we're feeling, how we’re doing and give and receive help.

As our club president said - let's not let physical distance also become emotional and relational distance!

We know video chats are your world right now, so here some creative ways to continue sharing life virtually:


Cross Core Zoom Game Nights

  • Adopt another Core and get to know them.

  • Ask another core if they want to do a game night over video call!

Common Interest Groups

  • Interest based groups that function like “mini clubs” within CCF

  • Anyone could initiate a group like this - doesn’t have to be a Corefa!

  • Example: A group of people who really like to paint, get together over a video call and paint together. Or a group of people who love breakfast get together and eat breakfast together!

Games for Video Calls

  • Virtual Pictionary - Max: 20 players

  • Virtual Code Names

  • Bring Your Own Book - use the website or make your own prompts

    • Everyone playing brings a book

    • Use lines from the book to answer a prompt such as “line from a love letter”

    • One person is judge, like in Apples to Apples

  • Apples to Apples story time - requires green Apples to Apples cards, or just a list of adjectives

    • One by one, players get a green card or adjective and must tell the first story that comes to mind

  • Reverse Charades

    • One person is guessing, while everyone else acts out

    • Have the person guessing close their eyes while one person from the acting out group writes down the word on a card and shows everyone else

  • Jackbox Games - most games you pay for, but one or two are free!

  • Netflix Party - Google Chrome extension

  • Bible “Would You Rather” - do a Google search for questions

  • Two Truths and a Lie

  • Five Second Rule

    • One person keeps the time for 5 seconds

    • Google 5 second rule prompts or come up with your own (Name 3…)

      • Name 3 pizza places

      • Name 3 breeds of dogs

      • Name 3 state capitals

    • If the person does not get 3 in 5 seconds, it moves on to someone else in the group who then has 5 seconds to name the same 3, but cannot use any words already said

    • The point goes to the original person if no one gets it

  • Secret Dancer

    • One person is the guesser

      • They close their eyes while the secret dancer is chosen (likely via a card with someone’s name being shown)

      • The secret dancer is chosen and they dance whatever their heart desires and the other people follow them

      • The guesser is trying to find out who the secret dancer is

  • Something in My House (Find find find)

    • One household item is told to the whole group and everyone in the group must leave their screen and quickly find the item

    • Whoever finds it first wins the round

  • Jeopardy! - make your own trivia game or choose one of the pre-made ones