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Host (Copy)

Interested in Hosting?

We are looking for families and households to host at least two conference participants for a week in May and/or June. These students, pastors, and campus ministry interns come from all over the country to spend an intensive week learning how to be ministry leaders on their campuses. For over 25 years SICM has been equipping students to make real, lasting impact on their college campuses!


Details for the Week:

Specifics may vary from year to year, but here’s what you can expect.

Participants arrive on a Saturday evening (May or June) and you meet them at the opening reception. They go home with you that evening and stay until the following Saturday; they will depart by noon at the latest. The rest of the week we transport them!

During the week they will be kept very busy with classes! They will leave your house between 7-7:45am and return home between 5:30-6pm on dinner nights and between 9-9:30pm on nights they have evening activities with us.

Host Family Responsibilities

  • Meals

    • Breakfasts, all week

      • Most hosts provide basics like cereal, fruit, bread, etc. and let students know to help themselves in the morning.

    • Lunches, all week

      • The students need to bring along a sack lunch and drink with them each day. Most hosts show them what’s available – sandwich fixings, snacks, fruit, juice, etc – so they can just pack what they need. It doesn’t hurt to remind them to pack their lunch though!

    • Dinners, 4 nights

      • Dinner is up to you – feel free to take them out one evening if you want, but most students are happy to enjoy some home-cooked meals after a year of cafeteria food!

  • A comfortable place to sleep, along with bedding, pillow and towels.

  • Authentic hospitality – just be yourself and love on the students! You don’t need to come up with fancy entertainment or food, just show them you care and make them feel welcome in your home. Some ideas:

    • Show them your favorite spot in Bellingham.

    • Ask them what they’ve been learning.

    • Play board games.

    • Share your own story with them.

    • Have them read bedtime stories to your kids.

    • Break out your guitar for a jam session.

    • Go for an evening walk

Let us know if you have any more questions about the hosting experience!