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June Registration

Thank you for your interest in registering for Northwest SICM!

To register, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

After Registering, please pay your registration fee. Your registration is not complete until you have paid.

Registration and Payment are Due May 1st.

Recommended Packing List:

  • Clothes for the week (make sure to check the weather in Bellingham for the week, temperatures can vary!)

  • Swim clothes (if the weather is nice you may have the opportunity to swim!)

  • Toiletries

  • Bible + Pen + Notebook

  • Money for dinner 2 evenings

  • Passport or Enhanced Drivers License

  • *Optional: small thank you gift for host



You are registering for the June session of Northwest SICM!  

It begins Saturday evening, June 14th and ends Friday evening, June 20th.
Registration and payment are both due by May 1st.
If you have any questions, please email