If I get stuck…
For myself…
To give my friend…
Q: What if I get stuck or don’t know how to answer my friend’s questions?
A: Reach out to a fellow Core member, your Corefa, or one of the pastoral staff.
→ Ask for help via this form. Share how you’re doing and any questions you have with the staff.
Q: What resources are there for me to learn to share Jesus better with others?
A: Here are some different types of materials you can engage in.
We live Missions podcast - Chi Alpha shares how students can be missional
Crazy Love Ministries podcast - Francis Chan helps people respond to Jesus
Evangelism Workshop - CCF class on evangelism
What is the Gospel? - Greg Gilbert shares basic tenants of the Gospel
Master Plan of Evangelism - Robert E. Coleman shares about Biblical evangelism
Kingdom Come - Allen Wakabayashi shares implications of Jesus on the world
Cru Evangelism methods - video talking about evangelism
Navigators Evangelism Resources -resources from a national campus ministry
Cru Evangelism Resources -resources from a national campus ministry
Biblicalcounselinginsights.com - practical help on relationships & counseling
www.rzim.org -Ravi Zacharias Ministries covers difficult apologetic questions
Q: What resources can I share with my friends who are learning about Jesus?
A: Here are some different types of materials you can share with others.
The Bible Project -podcast discussing things in the Bible
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel - Exploration of a former non-Christian of the claims of Jesus
Letters From a Skeptic: A son wrestles with his father’s questions about Christianity by Dr. Gregory A. Boyd
The Bible Project -short videos explaining books & themes in the Bible
Messiah -thought-provoking Netflix show about the implications of a savior
Y-jesus.com - Answers to common questions about faith
Jesusonline.com - articles evangelism and discipleship