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Questions Class 2019

# WhatsupCCF

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The Questions Class

There are a lot of questions that are difficult to answer—they may even be uncomfortable to think or talk about. Some questions you have might even be hotly debated. We tackle 7 questions you’re probably asking. Come for as many as you’d like to attend.

What: An exploration of what the bible says about the 7 questions you think you might be asking.

Where: Academic West 210 (AW 204 on 10/15 only)

When: Tuesdays from 4-5:30pm with optional Q & A until 6pm. Starts on Tues. 10/8.

Cost: Free!


October 8 — Can a Christian believe in evolution?

October 15 - Why do bad things happen?

October 22 — Does the bible prescribe exclusive roles for husbands & wives?

October 29 — How can I know what God is saying to me?

November 5 — What does Jesus think about abortion?

November 12 — Do people go to hell?

November 19 — What does godly body image look like?

Questions Class Audio

October 8 | Can a Christian believe in evolution?

  • recording from 2015. Unfortunately, the class this year didn’t get recorded.

October 15 | Why do bad things happen?

October 22 | Does the bible prescribe exclusive roles for husbands & wives?

October 29 | How can I know what God is saying to me?

November 5 | What does Jesus think about abortion?

November 12 | Do people go to hell?

November 19 | What does Godly body image look like?