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  1. Who can I reach out to?

  2. How can I connect with them digitally?

  3. How do I remember to reach out?

  4. How can I start conversations?


Q: Who should I reach out to?

A: Someone in one of your social circles that doesn’t know Jesus.

Create a brainstorm list:

Who doesn’t know Jesus among my...

  1. Friends in class:

  2. Professors:

  3. Family members:

  4. Roommates:

  5. Neighbors:

  6. Coworkers:

  7. Fellow club members:

  8. Friends from back home:

  9. Friends I game with:

Pray and ask God who from this list does He want you to intentionally invest in?


Q: How can I connect with them digitally?

A: There are many ways you can connect with others!


*NOTE: Above are options for how you can connect with anyone you are wanting to connect with. It doesn’t have to be a new person every day, it could be you connect with one person these seven different ways!

Here are some other ways to connect:

  1. Zoom calls: Study groups, Bible studies, Book clubs...

  2. FB/Instagram: Send messages, post comments, share memes… Connect!

  3. Check out what other WWU clubs are doing! Some clubs are still doing things virtually.


Q: How do I remember to reach out?

A: There are some great ways you can remind yourself!

  1. Put reminders in your phone!

  2. Set an alarm (you can set it to repeat on a certain day).

  3. Write a note and put it somewhere visible.

  4. Write it in your calendar (digital or paper).

  5. Ask someone to remind you or to do it with you – accountability buddies!

  6. Plan your day the night before.


Q: How can I start conversations?

A: Use some of these conversation starters to begin. Try to bridge into meaningful conversations about their lives, beliefs, and how Jesus may want to present Himself to them.

Pray about the person and your conversation with them before you start

Ask open-ended questions like: 

  • How are you?

  • How have online classes been for you?

  • How has this unique time affected you? 

    • How do you feel about it?

    • What do you miss the most from how things used to be?

    • What are you grateful for in this season?

  • How has your family been during this unique time?

  • What are you doing to fill your time now? 

    • What books? hobbies? shows? podcasts? Etc. have you been into?

  • How have you been feeling? 

    • Are you stressed? scared? happy? worried? optimistic? Etc.

  • What things do you hope will change after we come out of this?

  • How has this time changed or affected your beliefs (in God or the world)?

  • What good things have you noticed about people or the world in this season?

  • What bad things have you noticed about people or the world in this season?

  • What questions has this time raised for you about life?

  • Is there any way I can support you at this time?

  • Are there any ways I can pray for you?